April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
February 2011
March 2012
Welcome and Welcome Back !
19 March 2012 6:06 PM
Firstly, We would like to warmly welcome all new members who have join us. And congratulation on HweeZhen being our new JR in the fam !
Some slight changes,
- As our old premium shoutbox has expired , We have changed to a new cbox now .
- Updated certain rules.
- Added crown system for members birthday.
- Please vote via the poll system below the cbox.
Lastly, Enjoy your stay in this fam !
Signing off ,
17 February 2011 6:13 PM
Hey ! Welcome Back myself !
HI, I'm -PomRak-Ter here.
The Fam Master of ~MyNameIs~
I've been busy with my work lately.
sick too.
But someone how i missed my audition friends.
so decided to come and build mynameis back alive again.
Hope to have a warm welcome.
Will update more soon!
Cya in audition !
: -PomRak-Ter
04 November 2010 4:34 PM
Attendance List.
KOOF = Kicked Out Of Fam.
-PomRak-Ter --- Yes.
-V --- Yes.
MARIO --- Yes.
PlasticHeart --- Yes.
Prince~x3 --- No,family side.
~HerPWNSTARx --- Yes.
~Ruuki --- No, mother grounded.
~thtboy~x3 --- Yes.
---xSORAx3 --- Yes.
--ZY --- KOOF.
--xCOKIE- --- Work.
-CandyBar- --- KOOF.
-JIAYU --- Work.
-MS-BAICHI-x --- Yes.
-MS-HEICHI-x ---Yes.
Adore~ --- Yes.
Aiai~ --- Yes.
ApzireLuv~ --- Pending.
Boiboi789 --- Pending.Captured --- No, family.
CharmAsHell --- KOOF.
DarrenNerdz --- Yes.
Emotions --- Yes.
Grooveking --- KOOF.
HotShake --- Malaysia.
Jubeat~ --- Pending.
LAOHU --- Pending.
MaryWinkz --- Yes.
NiK --- No, Church.
Nyu~ --- Yes.
POCKEE --- Pending.
Phatphat --- No, O's.
Princess~x3 --- Work.
SalmonWhacks --- Yes.
Spongebobx2 --- KOOF.
StarrBreaker --- Yes.
StuntBreaker --- Yes.
Tatsuki~ --- Pending.
Thankyou --- Yes.
WOHUIFEI~ --- Yes.
Wednesday~ --- KOOF.
YQ --- Yes.
huiling25 --- No, Project.
negative --- Yes.
x3RawrRawr~ --- No, religion class.
x3eclipse --- Yes.
xFcukMyLife --- KOOF.
xXiiaoemoXx --- No, cant go out, 11s.
~BOYFRIEND~ --- Yes.
~Dote --- Yes.
~Elegant --- No, Lazy.
~HisPWNSTARx --- Pending.
~Hug --- No, no reason.
~INKI~ --- No, no reason.
~LaBiXiaoXin --- Yes.
~Lynnz --- Pending.
~MyMeePok~ --- Pending.
~Rainx3 --- Malaysia.
~WangZii --- No, Work.
~YU~ --- KOOF.
~heyKIWI --- Pending.
~x3BabyStars --- No,Spank Her Leg.
~x3EmoBoi~ --- Pending.
~x3HerBubLe~ --- KOOF.
~x3MILKTEA --- Pending.
What Kind Of Fam Outing Is This? !!!!!!
So Less PEOPLE !
1200-1230 --- Waiting people to arrive
1230-1245 --- Taking attendences
1245-1345 --- Introducing
1345-1415 --- Disscuing about th bonding game
1415-1420 --- Start the game !
1420-1700 --- Having fun !!!
1700-1715 --- Checking anyone missing
1715-1830 --- Eating Dinner and Chitchatting .
1855-2021 --- Inside th movie watching (96mins)
2036-2045 --- Toilet , ect.
2045-21?? --- FAM Meeting (see whether got a not and it take how long)
Slack , walk around . Dismiss .
End , home sweet home ~
Movie Might Be Delayed Or Earlier.
Fam outting this saturday (6th November , 12 noon @ Dhoby Ghaut)
~MyNameIs~ will be watching "Megamind" on the day it is released. On conjuntion to ~Adore birthday. Due to the movie premiering, early booking of tickets is recomended. (cash "can" be handled over to the FAM master in advance as he will be there the earliest.) Attendance is compulsury because there will be another meeting held on that day.
We will also be doing some FAM bonding on that day to welcome our new members and to re-introduce ourselfs to refresh the memory of those that cannot remember well. (STM for short)
Please be punctual & make yourself free on that day itself. Thank you.
Those who cannot come please contact the FAM master as soon as possible. I hope everyone will be able to make it on that day.